Thursday is our presentation day for the FMP, so with only a few hours to go we wanted to put a post up to commemorate our big white board, without it we'd be unorganised fools.
Lots still to tick off it before the presentation, but we're slowly getting there.
Our degree show is only a few weeks away (28th May) and we've been working very hard on it. It's something that we've been developing for the last eight months and hope to feel very proud of it when the opening night comes along. It's been a long process, which started with our fundraiser Deathmatch and has continued with the implementation of the show itself. We've been part of a central group that has been in charge of the management of the show and our mate Dave has done the design work for it, with us giving a helping hand. This post is us inviting anyone who takes the time to read this blog to come along to the show and check out the site for everything you'd ever need. We built the site ourselves and have been in charge of all it's content. It is going to be a huge source for information and we have the intention of using it to create a dialogue with those in the industry. With this in mind, we've already managed to get Dan Germain from Innocent to write an excellent post about what counts when getting a job. We hope you feel compelled to share your thoughts with us on the site, we appreciate all advice. It's not just for us, it's for any Grad that is thinking about the joining a communications industry.
The show also has a Twitter and Skype account so that you can contact us however best suits you. If you can't attend the show, then you can always Skype us and you can have a chat to some of the students as we will have a live link for anyone that wants a chat. Just add: dialogueshow The details of the show are in the image below which is actually the front of our invites, please note it down in your calender. If you'd like a PDF invite, just give us a shout and we'll send one over.
For one, most corporate business cards are crap. Agencies should let their staff have their own versions. Secondly, this site is really nice thought, it's dedicated to people who have done something positive after losing their job.
After all, the job shouldn't define you. You should be defining the job.
Not normally the types to write a post on adverts we don't like, we feel particularly compelled to write this after a conversation on the train this morning.
There are people within advertising that see digital and above the line as two different disciplines, we know people that think its just web banners and Facebook fan pages. This should not be the case.
The internet and digital in general are there to assist human interaction, all the gadgets in the world should only be utilities, after all that is the purpose of the internet. Overall, to us it seems that if you don't really include this basic understanding then your digital or non- digital will not resonate. This leads us to the reason that we are writing this, the horrible T-Mobile flash mobs.
First, these events show the sheer amount of money that T-Mobile have to throw away on adverts rather than spending it on their customer service (bitter customer experience.) Second, these stunts have a very forced nature. We don't care if you pay for Pink to be in the crowd, what we would appreciate much more is if you didn't shove a camera in the face of all those singing away. Now I am not saying that this wasn't an effective idea, but when the idea becomes more focused on getting footage to seed on the internet, than actually have a feeling, then you know you've lost your way.
In comparison we have Tweenbots, a lovely experiment by Kacie Kinzer, a student at ITP. It may be a month or two behind the times now, but it's the best use of thinking we can recall right now. It uses a small robot to impact upon the citizens of NY, giving them a glimpse of something more personal than just a piece of content for a viral.
Tweenbots was an investigation into human nature - into the reactions of the everyday person. The content and films were secondary to the impact upon those affected. Brands don't need to copy this, but they do need to understand that the very essence of this supposedly 'digital' mentality should be to impact/ assist upon people during their day, not to use them as feed for online content.
Oh, just to note. There shouldnt even be a 'digital' mentality, it should just be about a basic understanding of how we all react best with interaction and using whatever method is best to do this.
This is the old home of Luke & Wilf and our thoughts.
Two lads that enjoy stories, ideas and solving problems. YCC monkeys. Co-founders of For Love Not Money. Always in beta.